Tag Archives: painting


7 Aug

I’ve recently taken up watercolor painting to keep me busy and sane.

Although sometimes painting makes me more insane because I HATE leaving things unfinished.

So I paint and paint until the project is done.

I really have a hard time leaving paintings overnight like you generally have to do with acrylics and oils.

So in come the watercolors!

Watercolors are GREAT for beginning painters.

1. You can “erase” things a bit with water and a rag.

2. You can cover up mistakes with a not so watery paint.

3. You can blend colors soooooo much easier.

4. Things don’t have to be perfect when it comes to lines and edges- most usually they aren’t with watercolors. So that shaky hand? Forget about it.

5. And my favorite part? You can take regular acrylic paints and……add water!!!! So much cheaper and plentiful than an actual watercolor set. You basically double the amount of paint you just bought.

My secret? I look up pictures online and paint from them!

Now get out there and paint! It doesn’t matter what!

Crafts and Completion

16 May

Unfinished business is my craft motto.

I have a HORRIBLE habit of starting something……

and then letting it sit for a year or so before completing it.

But no more!

I have made myself finish everything I’ve started in the past 6 months.

Pinterest has not made it any easier.

It’s like crack for Do-It-Yourselfers.


But anyways- here are all the Pinterest-inspired crafts one post can hold!

Weekly dry-erase calendar!

Acrylic painting of the old house behind ours to remember it by before it gets torn down and Oil painting of our food plot!


Let’s see…A swirly metal ring, a permanent family birthday calendar with a cool crackle paint coat on it, and some diapers all wrapped up in a fluffy blanket for the stork to drop off at a baby shower!


Measuring utensil hangers and labels! (Made from….get this….paint sticks!!)


Fabric hoops and a no-sew pillow cover (before and after)!!


These cornhole boards I made for our wedding. And they were a LABOR. of. love.

(Extra emphasis on the labor part)

But SOOOOO worth it!


No, I can’t claim that we built this swing…it was actually an amazing wedding gift. But I did have to sand, stain, and seal it. And believe me, that’s a feat in and of itself! But I use it every single day and if you don’t have one, I highly recommend investing in one!


I’ve done so well with all the other projects……

But habits do die hard they say…..

This poor baby quilt will probably be done right before I have my own child.

And I’m not pregnant.


Creating art on the big canvas and the small ones too


Bikes, boats and bitterballen


n. frugality; the quality of being economical with money or food.


Smile! The world is a beautiful place (^_^)


The Art Diary of Dawn Henning, a Brooklyn Artist...

Jenna Emmerich Photography

Memories that last

boy with a hat

writing as a way of life

All over Art

Exploring the world of creativity


Est. 2010


the sky is no longer the limit

the eff stop

Adventures of a shutterbug

Franklin and Elisabeth

South Goes West


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The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging


Things to keep you busy and sane in a small town